Sleep Expert Reveals 10 Surprising Tips for Deeper, More Restful Sleep

Sleeping well is vital for a healthy life, like healthy foods and exercise, but many don’t get good sleep, which may be because of a lack of appropriate tips for restful sleep. 

Many of us have difficulty getting to good snooze, staying asleep throughout the night, or having a smooth awakening in the morning.

Although we can manage poor-quality naps at night for a few days, continuing sleep-related issues are worrisome.

These issues affect work performance and quality of life. It can also lead to weight gain, lack of concentration, poor exercise performance and increased disease risk.

On the other hand, with good sleep, your hormones work well, and you can avoid overeating and improve your overall health.

An adult needs about 7 hours of quality snooze at night. Therefore, prompt attention is required if there are issues.

Here are the essential tips for restful sleep and to improve hygiene you need to know.

Tips #1. Syn with the biological clock

Try to sleep and wake up at a constant time. Our body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm) syncs with the sunrise and sunset. 

You get poor-quality sleep when you have irregular and inconsistent sleeping patterns.

When you sleep early and wake up early, your results are excellent.

2. Avoid prolonged naps or sleeping during the day

Short naps are beneficial; these are called power naps.

Or, if you are a shift worker, it is okay to have naps, but sleeping during the daytime interferes with your sleep at night.

If you are tired and need rest, the best thing to do is sleep as soon as possible.

3. No coffee or caffeine 2 hours before going to bed

A coffee or shot of caffeine can stimulate and enhance your energy and performance.

But this stimulation of your brain significantly worsens your sleep quality.

It will take about 1.5 to 9 hours to reduce the blood’s caffeine level, also known as caffeine elimination half-life. Therefore, drinking a lot of coffee in the afternoon is not recommended if you have issues with sleep.

4. Do regular physical activities

Physical activities promote quality naps at night.

Since exercise or physical activities arouse and activate your body, you must avoid physical exercises at least 2 hours before sleep.

Going outside rather than staying inside is good stimulation.

5. Practice yoga, meditation or listen to relaxation music

To have a night of better nap, you need to overcome the stress & stimulate relaxation.

Yoga, meditation and relaxation music are potent ways to stimulate your snooze at night.

Many think flopping on the couch and watching TV or scrolling your Facebook feed is relaxing, but it ain’t. This will increase the exposure to blue light and increase the stress, thus leading to poor results.

6. Make sure your bedroom is a pleasurable place

Bedroom setup is a vital factor for good sleep. Think about the lights, noise and temperature.

Noise from the outside causes poor sleep and long-term health issues. However, many say their sleep quality improves when the noise and light are reduced.

Select comfortable pillows and bedding. Dark the room and control the noise to an appropriate level.

Getting a good night’s sleep can be challenging, as you may have experienced during the summer or in hot locations.

Around 70°F (20°C) looks to be a comfortable temperature for most people, but it depends on your preferences and lifestyle.

Make sure your bedroom is quiet, relaxing, clean, dark, and cool and enjoy a sound sleep.

7.  Enjoy both daylight and darkness

Your body has a biological clock, also known as circadian rhythm. It controls how your brain and body work and how hormones are released.

Exposure to bright sunlight daily keeps your circadian rhythm healthy and improves your nighttime nap quality.

The biological clock decides when to stay awake and tells your body when to relax.

8. Mindful about your habits

Some bad habits do affect your sleep.

Your eating habits play a role. Make dinnertime earlier in the evening, and avoid heavy, rich foods within two hours of bed.

Smoking stimulates your body and disrupts sleep, especially if you smoke close to bedtime.

Avoid alcohol before bed. While a nightcap may help you relax, it interferes with your sleep cycle once you’re out.

9. Get rid of blue light 2 hours before

Exposure to light during the day is good, but nighttime exposure is bad for sleep.

This is because of its effect on your circadian rhythm, tricking your brain into thinking it’s still daytime.

Blue light emitted by TV, computers, and mobile devices is the worst for your sleep.

So, stop watching TV and turn off any bright lights for 2 hours before heading to bed.

10. Manage worries 

Try to resolve your worries or concerns before bedtime. Jot down your mind, and then set it aside for tomorrow.

Stress management might help. Start with the basics, such as organising, setting priorities and delegating tasks. Meditation also can ease anxiety.

The Bottom Line

So, the tips for restful sleep help you to improve your sleep and overall health. 

You need 7 to 8 of sleep at night at a regular time. Try it early and wake up early to get the best results.

You should prioritize, learn, and invest in good quality sleep.

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